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Prof. Tarkeshwar Kumar

Prof. T. Kumar has obtained BTech in 1977 and MTech in 1984 both in Petroleum Engineering from ISM Dhanbad and PhD in 1988 from Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh UK, also in Petroleum Engineering. He served Assam Oil Company, Digboi for 4 years before joining ISM as a faculty in 1981. He has served as Professor at IIT(ISM) Dhanbad since January 1992. He served for more than 10 years as Director of ISM, NIFFT Ranchi & NIT Durgapur.

Prof. Kumar is reviewer of many international journals. He has conducted several training courses for industry. He has more than 150 National & International publications, two books on EOR and Management of Higher Technical Institution. His areas of research interest are Petroleum Reservoir and Production Engineering; and Enhanced Oil Recovery. 
Prof. Kumar was awarded as the 2021 SPE Distinguished Member in recognition of distinguished achievement in the field of Petroleum Engineering and noteworthy service to SPE. Earlier he was conferred with the National Mineral Award-2008 by the Ministry of Mines, Govt. of India for outstanding contributions in the area of oil and gas.

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